I was born and raised in the beautiful city Sibiu, Romania which is located in Central Europe. I finished High School in my home town and now I am a student at the University “Alma Mater” Sibiu. Here I am studying to become an economist. I have an elder sister, her name is Oana, she has five children, four girls and one boy and she majored in Letters. She got married to a priest at the age of 19, so we didn’t spend as teenargers too much time together, to become to know each other better. Now, we enjoy her lovely children, who are a blessing from God.
My mother raised us by herself, she is a very strong woman in spite of her gentle look. She believed in us every step of the way and incourage us every time we felt dissapointed. Because of her I am studying now economics. She always wanted us to do grater then she did, not to dispel our talents. And here I am at the “University Alma Mater” at the end of my first semester, confident in myself and ready to learn more.
I am a friendly person, realiable and hard worker. I enjoy walking in the park, riding my bike, having fun with my friends, going to picnics, skiing and spending my time with my wonderfull grandchildren. I was a witness to their first steps, their first teeth, when they started to say their first words. Only then you get to really love them for who they are: honest and inocent, they have no bad intentions and they love you unconditionally.
Сочинение на английском - о себе с перевдом
About myselfMy name is Lida. I am 11 years old. I’m in the seventh grade at mathematical school. I like to study. My favourite subjects are computer sciences, mathematics and literature. I’m fond of reading books. Also I like drawing that’s why I go to art school. I’m very cheerful and sociable person. I have many friends. My best friend’s name is Sveta.
We live in the same block of flats and go to school together. In the summer we spend holidays in the sports camp. Also I like animals. I have got a cat, his name Barsik and I have got a parrot, his name is Kesha. I like to play and look after them.
My native town is St. Petersburg. I live with parents in a big flat. When I have free time I help my mother. I wash up the dishes, sweep the floor and water flowers. I love my parents very much. When I grow up I will become an accountant as my mother.
О себе
Меня зовут Лида. Мне 11 лет. Я учусь в седьмом классе в школе с математическим уклоном. Мне нравиться учиться. Мои любимые предметы – информатика, математика и литература. Я люблю читать книги. Еще я очень люблю рисовать, поэтому занимаюсь в художественной школе. Я очень веселая и общительная. У меня много друзей. Самую лучшую подругу зовут Света.
Мы живем с ней в одном доме, вместе ходим в школу и ездим летом отдыхать в спортивный лагерь. Еще я люблю животных. Дома у меня живет кот Барсик и попугай Кеша. Мне нравится с ними играть и ухаживать за ними.
Мой родной город Санкт-Петербург. Я живу с родителями в большой квартире. В свободное время я помогаю маме: мою посуду, подметаю пол и поливаю цветы. Я очень люблю своих родителей. Когда я вырасту, хочу стать бухгалтером, как моя мама.