My Christmas day starts off when we wake up and go to my grandmother's. By the time we get there my whole family is there. When you walk in you smell the sweet aroma of voluptuous food and my grandmother's favorite apple cinnamon candles. My friend Eric has described the smell as "pure goodness. After we have greeted everyone in the family, and the men have looked over what is being cooked. We go into the living room and turn on whatever sporting event is on. While the women of the family are fixing the meal, you can hear all of the men sitting, talking about sports statistics and whatever else is going on in their lives and the world.
Once it is time to eat we gather in the kitchen to say the prayer. My dad says the prayer and usually gives a good message that touches all of our lives. My dad then says "let's eat, ? and all of the men rush to see what the women have prepared. I walk over by the oven and on top of it I see cream corn, mashed potatoes, carrots in brown sugar, buttery biscuits, and green beans. I could smell the steam coming off of the carrots, the aroma of the brown sugar was music to my soul. The feast line then moved to the meat section of food. My grandmother had cooked a deliciously prepared turkey. My aunts had fixed ham, and turkey and dressing. With my dads barbecue chicken was more than my eyes could handle. My eyes were bulging out of their sockets by the time I had my plate made.
My cousin and I went outside to eat. We could hear the rest of the family talking and laughing every once in a while. I then began feasting.
Сочинение на английском - про праздник с переводом
My Favourite HolidayMy name is Rita, I’m 12 years old. My favourite holiday is my birthday. On this day I get up early, but by that time my mother already cooks food for a festive table in the kitchen. In the morning my family and friends begin to give presents and congratulate me. My parents and younger brother always want me to remember this day for a long time that’s why they decorate the flat with many-coloured little balls. On this day a lot of my friends and relations usually come to see me.
When we all get together we sit down to table and begin to celebrate my birthday. Everybody has a good time dances and communicates with each other, the music plays loudly. At the end of the holiday we turn off the lights and my father brings a big cake with candles. I must blow out the candles and make a wish. After that we have tea with a cake and then we dismiss the guests. I would like to celebrate my birthday every month because all our relations and friends can meet together on this day.
Мой любимый праздник
Меня зовут Рита, мне 12 лет. Мой любимый праздник - это мой день рождения. В этот день я встаю рано, но к тому времени мама уже на кухне готовит еду на праздничный стол. Утром родные и близкие начинают дарить мне подарки и поздравлять меня. Мои родители и младший брат всегда хотят, чтоб этот день мне запомнился надолго, и поэтому они украшают квартиру разноцветными шариками. Обычно в этот день к нам приходит много моих друзей и родственников. Когда все собираются, мы садимся за стол и начинаем праздновать мой день рождения.
Всем очень весело, громко играет музыка, все танцуют и общаются друг с другом. В конце праздника мы выключаем свет, и папа заносит большой торт со свечами. Я должна задуть свечи и загадать желание. После этого мы пьём чай с тортом и потом идём провожать гостей. Я бы хотела праздновать свой день рождения каждый месяц, потому что все наши родные и друзья в этот день могут вместе встречаться.